To Conclude GEN2243f18
As the semester comes to an end, I can’t help but to look back and reflect on the various things I’ve learned. When the school year started, I was extremely intimidated. I felt as if the work asked of us was confusing and complex. However, after the first week, I became accustomed to the work load. I was not scheduled to be in this course from the start, which made me fall behind from the rest of the students in the class. I was not particularly fond of the idea of creating a Twitter for my major and updating it/ posting on it daily. However, as the semester went on I started to understand professors Calderwood’s method to his madness. He wanted us to create a personal learning network for ourselves. Posting about your career on social media is an easy way to network and potentially, get offered job opportunities. Unlike many other classes, this class is one that each and every college student can benefit from. I’ve learned that social media is a crucial part of job interviews. You m